Saturday, April 24, 2010

If a 2-ounce skin cream contains 200,000 I.U. of Vitamin A, what percentage would that be ?

There's not really an accurate answer you could get (aside from calling the company to see if they list a percentage), primarily because IU is a measurement of potency, not weight or volume (which creams are measured in, like Ounces).

One thing I can say is that if the 2 ounce container has 200,000 IU, that means that every 1/8th teaspoon (which is a typical dose for many creams) would only have about 2,000 IU, which is about 40% of the RDA (which is the recommended daily minimum for basic health), and only 20% of the normal dose of Vitamin A. That's a pretty low amount unless you're taking a multivitamin as well or have a good source of Vitamin A in your diet.


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